Homeopathy and COVID-19
As in past epidemics, homeopathy has proven to be effective at treating COVID-19 illness. As evidenced in a double-blind, randomized study, homeopathic remedies can reduce the likelihood of severe COVID-19 illness and speed up the recovery from the illness. The study found that people using specific homeopathic remedies experienced "a shorter period of illness, with evidence of fewer hospitalizations, than those taking placebo."
In treating over 150+ COVID-19 cases in my own small healthcare practice, I have also seen that the severity of the symptoms can be greatly reduced with the use of homeopathic remedies. That includes long-hauler COVID as well.
Alongside Homeopathics: Nutraceuticals
Vitamins D and C can become quite depleted during COVID-19 illness, leading to more severe illness. Thus, alongside the use of homeopathic remedies, nutrition and supplements can help to replenish these vital nutrients. The nutraceutical bundle which is recommended by the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) is to take the following twice a day during COVID-19 illness, beginning as early as possible in the illness:

Vitamin D3 - 5000 IU
Zinc Sulfate - 220 mg
Vitamin C - 3000 mg
Quercetin - 500 mg
As a bare minimum, I generally recommend that clients take at least Vitamin D and Vitamin C during their illness. Those are both good to take during most illnesses anyway! (My favorite Vitamin D supplement is Adapt Naturals Bio-Avail D3/K2, which is a flavorless, highly effective oil. Just one drop = 1000IU of Vitamin D! Use promo code NOURISHED15 if you want a 15% discount on this product.)
Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies for COVID-19
Early in the pandemic, I attended a highly valuable seminar by Paul Herscu ND, MPH on remedies for COVID-19. Based on that seminar as well as my own experience in providing guidance for 150+ COVID-19 cases, below is a list of the top 7 homeopathic remedies for COVID-19.
The goal with these remedies is to actually prevent the virus from progressing to the more-serious conditions (pneumonia, etc), so it is best to start the use of these remedies early on in the illness.
These remedies are likely to be available at your local healthfood store that carries homeopathic remedies (such as Natural Grocer's, Whole Foods, or Sprouts). It is best for you to have these remedies on-hand ahead of time in both 30c and 200c potency.
This guidance is not intended to replace medical treatment. Make sure to seek medical treatment if the illness becomes severe.

These remedies are listed by order of effectiveness in recent COVID-19 cases in my healthcare practice. Often, people will experience only some of the indications below, so when assessing which remedy to try, remember to focus on the symptoms that are present. Do not rule out remedies just because there are some symptoms listed which are not present.
With all COVID-19 cases, there may be a dry cough and tiredness. The descriptions below will help further determine which remedies to try. The mental/emotional symptoms and sensation of heat or chilliness are often the most important symptoms in determining which remedy to use.
They tend to not want to interact with others much and prefer to be left alone.
They may be anxious or irritable.
May feel hot or cold, but most often they are hot and want cool air and drinks.
Often, the most prominent early symptom is a headache.
There is a strong feeling of tiredness.
There is likely not much expectorant (dry cough, minimal runny nose, etc). If the nose is runny, it is likely to be very runny and watery.
The mood may be friendly, anxious, or irritable, but not in a very strong way.
They tend to want company nearby, but do not necessarily want to interact with others.
Feeling of heat alternating with chills, or start out warm and become chilly over time.
There is a strong feeling of tiredness.
They may desire cool air and warm drinks.
There is likely not much expectorant (dry cough, minimal runny nose, etc).
There are likely to be some gastric complaints (such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea) along with the other symptoms.
Complaints may be worse on the right side.
Symptoms tend to be worse on waking and from 4-8pm.
They are very ‘actively’ irritable. They really do not want to move or be bothered. They really do not want to talk. They are monosyllabic, and do not move much.
This remedy is often helpful when the symptoms are more severe.
There is a feeling of heat in the body overall and also a hot face, eyes, ears, as well as potential fever.
The want cool air and have great thirst for cool drinks.
There is likely not much expectorant (dry cough, minimal runny nose, etc).
There is a strong feeling of tiredness.
They are not very restless.
They don't interact with others much because they're just too tired.
There may be flushes of heat and/or cold chills.
One easy way to remember when to use Gelsemium is to look for the 4 D's: Dull, Drowsy, Dizzy, Droopy.
Dull: This refers to the overall mental state. They feel mentally dull and weary. Thinking is difficult.
Drowsy: The person is quite sleepy, and may take multiple naps throughout the day.
Dizzy: There may be dizziness, specifically when sitting up from lying down, or when trying to get up and walk. They may feel as if they are going to fall over when trying to walk.
Droopy: There may be a sensation of heaviness in the head or eyes. Their eyelids may look droopy.
They may be very irritable, and may even yell at others or gripe about nothing going right.
Generally wants to be left alone.
There may be strong chilliness and a desire to wear more clothes/blankets than usual.
They may desire warm air and warm drinks.
There may be sensitivity to light or noise.
Hypersensitivity to smells may make the headache worse.
There is a strong feeling of tiredness.
There are likely to be some gastric complaints (such as nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea) along with the other symptoms.
There is likely not much expectorant (dry cough, minimal runny nose, etc).
They want company, and talk more than the other remedies listed here. They want to interact with others and may be talkative about their symptoms.
The mood may be irritable and there may be disgust over the idea of picking up germs from other people.
There is a feeling of heat in the body overall and also in a hot face, eyes, ears, with or without fever. There may be a feeling of burning pain.
They desire cool air and cool drinks.
There is likely not much expectorant (dry cough, minimal runny nose, etc).
The cough tends to come later in the process, not as a first presenting sign.
There is a strong feeling of tiredness.
If they have digestive complaints, which are rare, there may be vomiting or diarrhea or disordered stomach.
They may be chatty and friendly, and may have concern for the health of others.
They may be very fearful, wanting close company, wanting to be held and clearly ameliorated by the comfort of others.
They are restless from the anxiety but easily consoled.
They may be chilly or warm, and may desire cool or warm air.
They tend to have a high thirst for cold drinks (although some may want warm drinks).
There is likely not much expectorant (dry cough, minimal runny nose, etc).
There is a strong feeling of tiredness.
Other Remedies
The remedies listed above are the most-commonly indicated homeopathic remedies for COVID-19. However, but there are a couple others that have been needed in specific cases including Arsenicum album (especially when there is chilliness and anxiousness), and Eupatorium perfoliatum (especially when there are deep bone pains).
The COVID-19 nosode can be helpful alongside the other remedies, but unfortunately that remedy is a special order item that is generally only available to practitioners.
Potency and Dosing
With all homeopathic remedies, the least number of doses is always the best. Homeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body to heal itself.
The general method is to take only one remedy at a time and use dry dosing to determine which remedy works well. Once it has been determined which remedy works well, switch to a wet dose for continued dosing.
30c is the potency I generally start with for treatment of acute illnesses.
One thing that is different about COVID-19 illness is that it often will benefit from using a higher potency at some point. When/if there starts to be less improvement from the doses, switch to a 200c potency remedy.
Start with 30c dry dose for 1-2 doses, then switch to a wet dose for further doses.
When a dose leads to improvement, wait-and-watch to determine when to give the next dose.
Do NOT take the next dose while improvement is happening. Rather, wait to give the next dose until there is regression of the symptoms, or a plateau (when the improvement levels off and then remains unchanged).
If no improvement is observed within 2-3 doses of taking a remedy, the remedy should be discontinued. Then instead try the next most-likely remedy based on the symptoms that are present.
A good starting place is to assess whether another dose is needed every 4-6 hours. With the right remedy, the dosing frequency will tend to become less frequent in the subsequent days until the illness is fully resolved, so that by the end, a dose may be needed only once every 18-48 hours or so.
There is more detailed information about dosing in these three articles:
DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor or licensed healthcare professional. I am a homeopathic practitioner whose services are considered complementary and alternative by the state of New Mexico. The uses of homeopathic remedies described herein are provided for educational use only.
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The one that helped our little guy when he had covid was actually Pulsatilla. He was very clingy and emotional about how awful he felt, lethargic, and very, very, hot. He had also been complaining the night before about sore legs and had thrown up. Anyways, his number one ’complaint’ was the emotional clinginess, and on the whole the repertory suggested Pulsatilla, so I dosed him with it and he was like a new kid - fever down, up and running around again - it was amazing!
Thank you Sarah. I have bought several of the homeopathic remedies. which one is most appropriate for hoarseness ? Not necessarily a cough but hoarseness. Also can all the remedies be taken at the same time if a person is experiencing all the symptoms? Thank you so much. Sonya D
Sarah, this is a great post!!!! What do you recommend for a long hauler with dizziness, equilibrium loss and a kind of electrical vibration in the body as well as foggy brain????